Granted but everyone forgot what the topic was and their posts made no sense.
I wish the Crystal Fighters were doing a free concert tonight and close enough to me that I could go to it.
Granted but everyone forgot what the topic was and their posts made no sense.
I wish the Crystal Fighters were doing a free concert tonight and close enough to me that I could go to it.
Granted, but the spotlights break from the stage and fall onto the band, killing them.
Is holding up a cue card that reads "I wish for my face to be fixed, pls".
Granted, but it gets vaporized cause i hit you too hard.
i wish i could let off some steam.....
Granted the top of your head explodes and all the steam is released.
I wish people would consider that linked picture a new meme.
Granted, It became viral, but everyone is confused.
I wish for that picture to unmeme. It's rather confusing.
Wish granted. However, that's easily corruptable because...
I wish it re-memes!
Granted. But everyone now knows where it came from and hates you for it. Or at least detonate your e-mailbox with confusion spam.
I wish you never thought of it ever and never will.
But every meme supporter comes and runs you down.
I wish for my PC to have the WEI of 7.9+.
Granted. Your neighbor knows you have it and breaks into your house stealing your computer and all your money too.
I wish I had off from work today and hopes my boss doesn't mind if I show up in late.
Granted, but he minds...alot, and you get fired.
and you get blown up.
I wish i LOL harder
granted, but you died from laughing to much...
i wish for a 1 foot long ruler
A nun comes by your house and smacks you with a yard stick.
I wish HGH's meme made more sense asides [insert bad situation] and then something to do with recon.
You're just not getting your wish.
I wish Trobolta didn't kill this thread.
Granted, but someone else did.
I wish for Iamnoone to post more frequently when I'm awake or vice-versa.
Granted but you start to hate what I post and find you can't get rid of me.
I wish I could live without sleeping.
Granted, but your body and mind grow tired and weary and eventually, you go mad from your lack of sleep.
I wish that I can't hate what you'll post.
Granted, you poop yourself laughing instead.
I wish I had a pizza right now.
Granted, but it's just an uncook circularly shaped dough with cheese shreds, cold tomato sauce, and uncook toppings instead.
I wish that pizza was cooked.
I bake that pizza into golden perfection. The kid I'm stuck with that isn't mine eats most of it.
I wish I baked 2 pizzas.
Granted. Two extra perfectly cooked pizzas. The kid eats both of them.
I wish for that kid's death or at least be ridding.
That was the worst wish you could have made. I made it once or twice. It makes her show you how bad she can be. She shows you why she is so bad and makes your heart bleed for her. Then she'll set fires. It will make you wish you didn't exist compared to the rest of existence.
I wish I could start my day over.
Granted, but you went through the same day with the same results. Albeit the wishing for a restart.
I wish I understood what happened to my wish. |:I
But, you get DAT HAMMER in your head (I have the OCH {completed T2})
Goes on a Hammer spree
Whoops, sorry got mixed up on a different thread.
I wish for a better hammer.
Egpnd, get out unless you know how to play this game or WISH DAMMIT.
Wishes that all the noobs know how to play the forum games.
But, They start taking over and we are left out of the threads.
I wish For a better hammer (again)
Granted. It is bigger, stronger and heavier. The 1st time you try to swing it, you lose control and hit yourself on the head.
I wish some of those nppbs would wonder into the forum games.
Granted. But they have no idea how to play and messes everything up.
I wish for something.
But you forgot it
I wish for a 9001 mile round Chocolate chip cookie.
But it crushes you.
I wish i remembered what i was wishing about.
But you forgot it again.
I wish for that Trobolta gets a cookie.
He gets one, but then you want it. You steal it and you go to jail.
I wish I could become a successful game programer.
But, a GM bans you for knowing too much.
I wish for a nuke. (or freedom)
You get both: freedom and a nuke. Sadly, the nuke is jealous of your freedom and blows you up for that.
I wish a Spiral Knight will be in SSB4.
Granted but when it goes everyone quits playing.
I wish I could change the color of things like grass and the sky.
Granted, but you're only high.
I wish for me to enjoy breakfast in the Before and After game.
Granted. You'll get to enjoy it next year.
I wish there really was a hill made of cookies.
Granted, but everyone else ate it before you did.
I wish Iamoone did get his cookie hill.
Granted and you were made king of cookie hill. Egpnd gets jealous and tries ti kill you.
I wish birds would fly upside down so they would poop on themselves instead of pooping on us.
they blow up and they target ppl.
I wish this chain stays broken.
(PS: no need of cookies for now)
Granted, but i troll. Here. Have a cookie.
I wish to continue my trolololololos.
Granted. Your trolololololos continued but put you to a stop.
I wish for Trobolta to stop trolling.
Granted, but everyone else starts to.
I wish I had a full set of Dusker armor :(
Granted. But somehow it has negative sword buffs and gives you weaknesses to all satuses.
I wish for a sandwich that has Trobolta's hand in it.
You get a knuckle sandwich to the face.
I wish Auto isnt so obsessed with my handwich.
Granted he becomes with your legwich instead.
I wish I could get warm.
Granted but you're set on fire.
I wish for Iamnoone to stop being so obsessed with me.
Granted, but everyone else gets obsessed with you. (/love Trobolta) :D
I wish for pizza.
but its too big so that noone can live in it (the peak is in space)
I wish for a new page.