Granted. It comes in the mail but your mom finds it and keeps it. She also punishes you for playing with explosives by taking away your computer and you never gets to play SK again.
I wish I had a hovercraft for a car.
Granted. It comes in the mail but your mom finds it and keeps it. She also punishes you for playing with explosives by taking away your computer and you never gets to play SK again.
I wish I had a hovercraft for a car.
Granted, but it needs radioactive crud to run. You have no way of obtaining that without severe damage to your body.
I wish that people were more paranoid.
Granted but everyone become so paranoid that they kill everyone they meet thus resulting in the extinction of mankind.
I wish I had a treasure chest full of gold.
I large treasure chest of fools gold falls on your head, breaking your neck and paralyzing you forever.
I wish I had a sling shot.
granted you have someone shoot a sling.
i wish i had dreams (not nightmares) and remembered then without it somehow corrupt my sleep scheduled.
Granted. You have dreams about peeing all night and never wake up. In the morning when you wake your bed is completed soaked with urine.
I wish I had a brand new car.
You get a brand new car. that then falls apart on its first journey
I wish for the new danger missions to be released now. They seem pretty awesome.
granted... you died everytime you try the mission
i wish i can have my computer back from my mum T_T
You get it back in pieces. She said she tried to fix it.
I wish I could stay home and play all day tomorrow.
Granted, you played all day on the computer and got bloodshot eyes.
I wish for a Polaris (in real life)
Granted. It malfunctions and explodes in your face.
I wish for Lichencolony to switch his avatar into a Lichen Colony
granted, but that lichen colony combines with others and makes one so big it covers the screen.
i wish that the next post was posted immediately so i could ruin more wishes.
someone posted an invisible post.
i wish you will reply my post.
granted. i always reply to your posts with a annoying witty comeback that's irrelevant.
i wish i could listen to any music i want without mp3, itunes, ect.
Granted. Your neighbor blares music day and night. You never get to sleep anymore.
I wish stupid people would become so stupid that their off-spring would become incapable of surviving past the age of 12 months.
you die 12 months from now.
I wish I could have 700 CE. :P
Granted, you go back in time to 700 CE. (Common Era)
I wish my proto sword had a good chance of dealing strong Poison, Shock, Fire, Freeze and curse.
granted, but they only last for half a second and your proto sword becomes extremely slow and it does 1 damage to the weakest enemy.
i wish for a perfectly normal pancake.
Granted. The pancake explodes in your face and you die. Your definition of normal=/=mine. :)
I wish for 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 CE.
granted. but now energy got changed so 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 CE is equal to 1 CE right now.
i wish i had better things to do that i don't have to do.
You can now move 100k grains of sand to the correct bin, but you must use tweezers to move each grain of sand, one by one.
I wish that I had a chroma monster pocket. Daww, I wish I could find Froggy, I mean Toungster.
The chroma grows up and eats Toungster.
I wish OOO would bring super brawl pvp back
Um, toungster will be the chroma's name.
Granted: They do. Everybody leaves in a rage because it makes things even more unbalanced.
I wish I had a 2nd UV on my DVS.
Granted, your 2nd UV on your DVS reduces all defense/attack power by 50%.
(What's a DVS?)
I wish I had a custom sword, one that's shaped like a guitar.
granted, you get a custom DA guitar sword with 3 great UVs... though it shatters after the first 10 kills. I wish I had a pet vog cub
Granted, your Vog Cub pet is actually angry Vog itself, blaming you for killing his cubs to extinction.
I wish slime slasher would have 2*-5* versions...
However, it just upgrades into the brandish. You must get a slime slasher, make that into a super slime slasher, and then a brandish.
I wish Lichencolony would have known that DVS means Dread Venom Striker.
your wish is granted, however he was so excited by this stunning revelation that he equips all of his arsenal slots with DVS, somehow including his armor, helm, and shields.
I wish my groundbreaker armor and helm had an alchemy path up to 5*
Granted you get mugged in Haven and lose it.
I wish I knew who was mugging people and getting reported for it.
Granted, but the intel is in German.
I wish that I had a cookie.
Granted, I give you a cookie.
I added in a teaspoon of nitroglycerin, a mini blast cube and gunpowder into the cookie mix.
I wish I had a pet mini jelly cube.
Wish granted it eats you.
I wish I could fly
Wish granted, you have turned into a Beryl Greaver.
I wish I can wish.
Granted. You wish all day long but none of them come true.
I wish I had a banana cream pie.
Granted i shove it in your face, with sulfuric acid.
I wish I wasn't beryl greaver.
granted but now everyone hate you for that and they all come and kill you in your sleep
i wish i had a 1 millon keyblade.... so gzilla stop tell no more KH talk
Granted it explodes.
I wish fire stopped talking about Kh.
you died because i talked to much KH talk
i wish i was part lion so i can be powerful that no one can stop me and i have keyblade
GRANTED But i turn your bottom half into a loin head and you eat yourself. I shove a flaming keyblade in your stomach.
I wish KH DDD wouldn't be released
the game was released yestarday.
i wish that gzilla wont wish for KH3 not to come out .
Granted I blow up nintendo.
I wish fire would start granting wishes since YOU HAVE TO!
i granted your wish.....
i wish i can get a hammer and sent gzilla to a the underworld
Granted but I smash you with it
I wish LON would start writing more of the core wars
but he only write about 100 words per post
i wish i tear will start writing the two path story more
He does but it's horrible
I wish I had tons of CE
but then everyone come to you and beg you for ce
i wish i got a laptop
Granted but it's super old
I wish I had a nickel for every time someone's trolled me
Granted, you become super rich and no one mugs you and no one trolls you forever more looking for more nickels.
I wish governments would stop making nickels and all other forms of coins.
Granted but we start using seashells.
I wish Iamnoone would stop his tyrannical reign over GC
Your cat is now a very hungry snarby that will eat you when you sleep.
I wish for a power bomb.