It's a million dollars worth of cockroaches.
I wish for a wish, and wish for a wish until the wish is a kitten
It's a million dollars worth of cockroaches.
I wish for a wish, and wish for a wish until the wish is a kitten
you receive you kitten...sadly you are allergic to cats
I wish that I had fishsticks.
You get skcitshsif.
I wish for a wish until that wish is a cure for anything to make myself not allergic
Granted, now you have potato hands!
I wish for a rare candy!
Granted, it makes you evolve into your fat momma.
I wish for ten million dollars*
*Ten million dollars, henceforth known as MONETARY WISH-AWARD to be paid in discreet monthly sums, where "discreet" is defined as "substantive yet within the bounds of common sense and law, as it pertains to [CURRENT MUNICIPALITY]." Monetary wish-award is to be accompanied by verifiable documentation, for tax purposes. Source of monetary wish-award may not be from one of the following sources - fraud or any illegal activity, human catastrophe, loss of significant personal acquaintance or family, international incident, collapse of society, critical injury to any parties involved in the monetary wish-award agreement, death of any of the parties involved in the monetary wish-award agreement, or any other negative happenstances. Recipient of wish-award is additionally exempt from statistical tendencies towards suicide or self-harm demonstrated by other recipients of large cash awards.
The undersigned wish-granter acknowledges the above terms and recognizes that any violation of the above terms will result in refunding the wish with no expectation of compensation.
Not granted, you are now a duck.
I wish for another rare candy.
Granted, it's an atom of rare candy.
I wish to fix my typo in my username on this forum.
Granted, you are now Ideally-Knight.
I wish I could overcome my laziness to make productive posts.
I wish for sand! Granted, but its moldy!
Itsead of "moldy sand", you get the scrap metal.
I want the cryotech alchemer mk4!
You get the Pyrotech Aclhemer Mk4.
I wish I could actually play this game again.
Granted, every button is set to green on an old guitar hero controller. It takes hours to set back.
I wish I had cool vertical vents.
Congrats, they are frozen vertical air vents.
I wish people would get some of the memes i say!!!!!!
Granted, but now everyone cannot understand anything out of you except your memes
I wish i have 100kCr and 10 snarb pups
But you got them with third party software, GMs saw your suspicious activity and they banned you.
I want to fail forging Spirals-Ore. He will then be burnt to ashes!
Granted, but the Forge is successful and he lives.
I wish for a wish!
ERROR, please try again after I launch Energyload.exe.
ERROR 198: Which wish?
I wish to see how the Cradle's Core looks from inside.
`Granted, you go back in time when the game was in beta testing.
tkopioptgop?EISJIPEJI(PSE(PO!~!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
I wish CorruptAWishII.exe would stop doing that.
It did, but now all the wishedasdkl eouipoa arteas corasrruppppptesed.
I wish for an uncorrected wish!
I dont know which wish, so you got. Sadly isn't uncorrected.
I want to forge Galax to shut him up.
Too bad. I forge your mouth and it worksddddddsafdrtrtyyruy;dklsa!
w i s h r e q u e s t d e n i e d
I want a sandwich! Give me a sandwich!
request deniedsedwd
!drawkcab siht daer tsuj uoy !snoitalurgnoC
I wish galax became a NopeScoping SnoopWolver
Galax became the slime.
I want Spirals-Ore to be my friend on Steam. (And sorry for my wish to forge you)
Granted, but he does not know your steam id
I wish everyone would realize the potential of cautery sword
Granted, but when OOO sees everyone using it somebody in the office will just say: "Aw, hell with it! Nerf that son of a b*tch!"
I want a cookie, and I will shoot you if you don't give me a cookie.
I ate it. I also ate that gun you were going to shoot me with.
GIVE ME COOKE SO I CAN GIVE TO ^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You get the moldy cookie. You just killed Fight-Beetle.
I wish to build a big Matikclocker army in my OVC base!
Granted, but they all die on their first battle.
I wish Spirals-Ore's backwards message was written correctly.
It was written correctly, but it was an insult.
I wish I wasn't killed off in this storyline.
Granted, but something ironic happens.
I wish for a "COEKAJIEJNIEOIUPDmkopsdfmioio-".
Please try again when I will launch you into space.
I want to launch Galax into space.
but he comes back :3
I wish for the ability to post things on this forum
Your nonexistent wish is granted. You now no longer exist.
I wish for a dozen eyelashes in my hand to make eyelash wishes with.
Granted, you used all your wishes to be with me, so now you are in the realm of non-existing/existing things with me!
I with for a sandvich!
That wasn't a wish. Because you no longer exist and the wish doesn't exist, you are now back in the real world.
I wish to be standing 10 feet from you.
Granted, now you are 10 feet tall, except that you no longer exist as well, so the wish doesn't exist. You are now back in the real world as well.
I wish for a Cookie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Granted but its oatmeal raisin.
I wish for an anvil to appear next to me.
You got the broken anvil with 100% to damage each forge. You use it and your anvil breaks.
I wish to deactivate Galax.
Granted, I explode and kill you and Energy Load. Then Galax Respawns.
I wish for FISH
A wish is a dish that's a lot like a fish. Once it's been eaten it's a lot harder to throw back.
WG but it's the Grandfather of all Sharks: Ed.
I wish for the Swarm to not exist.
Granted, groups and groups of all species start dissapearing.
I wish for sanvixh!!!!!!!!!!
Your game won't crash. but your car will.
I wish i had 1 million dollars