This is irrelevant. WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO! I'm the first person on this page!
/e dances like there's no tomorrow
This is irrelevant. WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO! I'm the first person on this page!
/e dances like there's no tomorrow
I Knock them unconsious with a sudaruska
I go to the core sub station
Sadly, Doom was killed immediately
I then robbed the Auction House
Recipes unsold
I come back to life and make none of this happen
You are swimming in a toad pool.
I stomp in your toad pool.
and kick you in the shin
and you flew into space
I come back down
I blew up an orphanage
I helped you destroying the orphanage but rescued everyone inside before
I danced all my way to the Firestorm Citadel
A slag jumps on you
I aim a blitz needle at Justin bieber
He breaks into song and convinces you not to shoot.
I drive a truck through the front window of a liquor store, quickly fill the truck bed with alcohol, then drive off to hide in the woods for weeks enjoying the bounty.
Sadly someone stole your truck and now you have to find him before your daughter turns (anyone getting this reference? XD)
I stole the zombrex and used them allllll :D
You then WTFed
I aim an umbra driver at Justin bieber and I threaten to kill him in front of his fans and so does my alt
Ps I have Shadowsun set on
You win and kill him on stage.
You are jailed for killing JB. Like come on, there were millions of witnesses.
but they free you because everyone hated JB, all of his fans were acually hypnotised and broke free of the hypnotisem and started hating JB
thx for killing him
You get awarded a whole planet for killing that bastard.
You then eat cheese.
the mouse god comes and grants you 1 wish for the cheese
you wish for...
I wish for JB to come back to life.
POOF!!! There he is in all his glory.
but a anvil falls on him and kills him.
I put on gear that made me look weird
(i put a demo suit with a triple tailed helm which is a tailed helm with a plume on it)
you killed JB wearing the suit and all his fans were unhypnotised... agian
JB was killed while dead
His fans became angrier.
JB'ers all over the global united in a good old fashioned witch hunt of JB haters.
JB fans mobilized for war but were ignored by everyone since they lack any sort of credibility.
I light a pipe in a sophisticated manner. Also while sticking my pinky out.
JBs fans were hyptotised to like JB
They never liked JB
and they were happy he was dead
and they were unhypnotised when he died
JB doesn't have any fans anymore
I give cheese to the mouse god and wish that JB never existed
the mouse god grants my wish
The mouse god also hunts you down. The cheese you gave him was made from sour milk and made him sick.
He finds you and bites your nose.
I protect him and kill the mouse
I have a party with Pipi and all my friends Because JB died
I heard about the party and thought you missed him.
I sent pictures of him and a cake that looked like his head.
I accept it
I tape the picture to a wall and burn it and I throw a hammer at the cake
The cake cracks. I spread the picture's ashes over my foot and stick it in the oven.
The ashes become hot
I throw confetti in the air, and start selling random mats
The confetti turns you into a blob of snow, and you roll down the streets of haven with the burning ash on your foot. A kind soul stops you, grabs your face, and runs away with it.
I attach my face back on
I keep partying
JB fans join your party.
They break out in bierber songs.
I pull out my Valiance and all the knights pull out weapons
I threaten to kill the fans
They sing loader.
They begin to dance.
All knights attack
The fans are getting killed and I say, you noobs are defenseless
They sing loader.
The windows shake and break into shards which fall and pierce the JB haters killing them.
The armor protects the haters
The fans get their mouths duct taped and we are about to kill them
But first they are taped to the wall.
The haters are given super soaker guns filled with cherry koolade
The knights break the weapons
The knights kill all the fans in front of the universe
No one in the universe cares.
Life goes on JB and JB fan free.
The party continues
I ask iamnoone why he likes JB
lol JB is sexy.
His fans come back to life and agree. They dance around at the party.
Security guards kick them out and the door is locked
I wonder if Iamnoone is a girl
You're hit in the head with a lemon will you're day dreaming.
Juice flies everywhere.
I drink the juice
The party is finally over
But then the risen JB fans start singing again!
They drag Doom onto the floor and start dancing on him.
I kill the fans with a Valiance
All knights capture the fans and put them in prison
I followed doom and sees that he/she is getting beat up.
I trick the gremlins into thinking I'm a t3 spookat and that I have come to kill them and they run off then I heal doom-xx.