The PICKle PICKs you up and throws you on a bed of toothPICKS.
I wish that there were an elemental variant of the catalyzer.
Corrupt-A-Wish Part 4
Each time you shoot a charge attack, you lose 10 pips of health, in any tier, and resistances dont do anything.
I wish Polaris could shoot 1000 bullets per minute. Yes, a lag fest.
Granted but I never lag so you die a quick death.
I wish I didn't have to kill Shotjeer.
I suicide
suddenly the world is a much better place...
I wish for pickles eating pickles eating pickles.
Granted. The pickles finish eating each other, and start to eat you :p
I wish Chromalisks could talk
They plot making Cradle collide with Earth. YAY.
I wish for pickles chopping pickles eating pickles.
Granted you also get slimy green pickle poop of pickle poop.
I wish I could make time stand still.
Granted, you make the time stand still forever, the world is becoming a prison for YOU! But then the wizards makes the time goes again and sent you to the prison. After that, a war between knights and wizards happens, and the world becomes a huge black hole because the wizards use a deadly spell that's: Divide 1 by 0.
I wish I can become a time wizard.
Granted. The same thing happens to you that happened to Iam ^, But the Knights create the black hole by all spamming the Polaris into Cradle's core.
I wish I knew more about what happened in the fertilizer plant explosion last night! D=
Granted, your mind goes all to Cradle!
I wish to dive into water in a water in a water in a water in a water in a water!
Granted. You were so fully immersed in water, no one ever saw you again.
I wish plastic was never invented.
Granted. You're responsible for killing all the world's trees now.
I wish I had a never-ending cup of coffee! =O
granted... however, the cup is knocked over by a cat, spilling its contents into your lap. to add insult to injury it was Decaf anyhow...
I wish the arcade was popular again
Granted, all the beggars hang out there.
I wish dogs had bills like ducks.
I wish that this thread won't be ignored.
Granted,This Thread Is ignored By Me For 1 Second.....
I wish This Event Will Be Back
I wish that
You eat the last sloombargo in the universe and now everyone wants to kill you.
I wish I could stop Thowardz from eating that slime.
You eat it instead.
I wish heart trinkets were not aloud in LockDown
granted, everyone then hacks into SK code so they can have heart trinkets in LD when OOO removes them from LD
I wish I had a evil polaris that will eat me and shot me
You Got Evil Polaris But Then Someone Broke
I Wish Pig Can't Fly
granted, when the pigs die, their spirits just fall to the center of the earth instead of going to heaven
I wish I was dead and went to hell with the piggys
I wish Pipipipipi was a cow spirit in heaven.
granted but I get reincarnated as a wolver in cradle instead
I wish that I was a wolver forever
Wish granted, you are then captured by Seerus and used in a breeding camp to produce more wolvers, but sadly this wasen't working... so they made you into a female to see if that would work.
I wish the Spiral order could solve this core problem with out murdering half the planet.
granted, they do while murdering the whole planet
I wish I was free and wasn't a female
Granted,You Free From Seerus. Then You Fall Into Witch Hand.She Turn You Into F-e-m-a-l-e Mewkat. And Caught You In The Cage
granted. I beg the cage bars off and beg at the witch until she turns me back into a male wolver, when she does, I kill her, then I go to thowardz house and bite him until he plays the game right, then I don't play the game right
I wish I was back in cupcake heaven
You're wish is my command. You are in cupcake heaven. The place where cupcakes taste like bacon.
I wish Thowardz went out on a night on the town with 10 of his closest friends.
Thowards did but they kicked him out.
I wish lord-bacon-eater went to dinner with his 10 worst enemies
granted, but instead of Lord-Bacon, Lamnoone gos to dinner with his 10 worst enemys (and one of them is you)
I wish you knew the other me on these fourms
Granted. I know The Other You IS THE FEMALE WOLVER!!!
I Wish I Don't Accidenly Do Double Post Again(I Did Sometime)
You don't double post, but u get tempted and do it anyways.
I wish No one complained anymore
Granted, they now whine
I wish people poop more
Granted. They all [redacted]
I wish Spiral Knights made it into the next Super Smash Bros game.
Granted, but their OP enemies
I wish SK was less OP
Granted.All weapon in Spiral Knight won't do any damage
I wish Mario Won't Messed up with Spiral Knights
Granted. Now sonic is
I wish SK had a trivia
Granted,But the trivia can only be seen by GM
I wish I can have UV "earn 100000ce per second"
Granted, but it caused a fatal error
I wish I had undetectable h4xxing skills
I wish Thowardz would begin to have a wish to corrupt.
Granted. He corrupted many wish from this forum. But not ^
I wish the next poster won't wish for something...
Granted. GiVeMe958653865CeFoRFrEe!!!!!
I wish I could not eat Burger
Granted it doesn't you have your empty wish.
I wish I had a pickle.