A holy man named Mackerel came and broke my knee
Potato sandwich
A holy man named Mackerel came and broke my knee
Potato sandwich
I found a potato, but a Heavy came to me. He wanted the potato, so he crushed my knee with a Sandvich.
Liberty Launcher(http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Liberty_Launcher)
I was part of the RED team. I walked into a BLU Soldier that was holding a Liberty Launcher. I took a rocket to the knee.
I was playing shortstop, but I took a baseball to the knee.
Don't necro.
I told Ironic not to necro, otherwise Ironic would end up like Lickamilk, but nooooo, so I broke Ironic's knee to stop the necros
Gremlin Chatter
That Gremlin just beat my leg, to stop my Chatter!
Herp derp
I herped and derped then broke my knee
Ironic's cage
This is a Necro/Bump a Necrump !
I was changin the news papper in Ironic Cage when he bitten me. I fell on the ground and broke my knee because of it.
Steel Office
I'll support that necro.
I was playing Spiral Knights in the office. Then, the boss caught me and tried to kill me angrily. And then, I defense myself by pushed him off the window. After that, a steel pen fell down and broke my knee.
necromancer, monk
So I was talking whit my necromencer friend about how much I owed him for reviving me 248 time when a monk came in and started talking. When he lern that my freind was a necromencer he became enraged and strarted bashing everyone whit his stick. He hit my knew and broke it.
Firefox, Knight
@Floppy-Fish, I thnk you don't get the point of the game...
I was at the library and needed to use the computer. The only browser they had was Firefox, but when I opened it, a knight burst through the wall and a rock broke my knee.
Batman Fork
I was eating cereal with a fork when batman came in and stole my fork, so I ran after him but tripped and broke my knee
Ice cream
I was eating ice cream when the bowl fell on my knee
Tortodrone cereal
I used to play games with Tortodrones, then a Cereal Killer ran up to us with a crossbow and you know where I'm going with this.
Skyrim Arrow
So I was playing Skyrim when I got an arrow to the knee.
Spiral Kid (it's two separate word.)
So my kid was Spiraling around when he got dizzy, slammed into my knee, and broke it.
Apocrea, pipipipi
So I was fighting the Apocrean whit Pipipipipi when we seen an apocrean. He slammed my knee breaking it and letting the apocrean get me instead of him.
Home Knowledge
I was studying homes in a book to gain knowledge when the book fell on my knee breaking it.
Clone, pipe
So I was doing science like always when a pipe appeared in the middle of my lab. Mario ''Jumpman'' Mario jumped out of it an smashed my head barely killing me. After recovering I used my clone machine to make an army of clone to avenge myself. But they didn't obey to me (I wouldn't obey to myself neither and they are me technically) and one smashed my knee.
Lantern Bucket
coming out from school, i saw Green Lantern using a bucket of water to take out fire. After taking the fire away, green lantern put the bucket on the ground and left, then suddenly Sinistral came out of no where angry. and grabed the bucket on the ground and threw it at my knee using his ring.
pumpkin, pie
One day, my pumpkin was coming home from school. When I walked over to greet him, I slipped on a pie and fell on my knee.
i was riding on a bike got in to a car crash, and hurt my knee
bamboo, panda
Once apon a time, some ninja bamboo hit my knee with a panda and broke it
Lamp, king
that didn't like the lamp i gave him. He threw the lamp at my knee
needle shot
A Heracross with a sniper rifle shot my foot with a needle and I fell on my knee and broke it.
Spiderman apples
Spiderapple came into my house and killed all the oranges. I asked him to stop, so he broke my knee
Dark chocolate
This bar of Chocolate tried to feed me a Darkman, but I refused, and he broke my knee.
Hammer Costume
I was wearing a Construction Worker costume for Halloween, And a real Construction Worker threw a hammer at my knee breaking it.
Winter, Pie
I was at a family reunion for the Winter and my Aunt broke my knee when I said I didn't like her pie.
Elbows, shoes
My elbow came to life and stomped on my knee with it's magical floating shoe.
Box, Egg
there was a large egg in a box a jellycube used its attack at the box to throw the box at my knee.
slag guards
I was walking through the newly conqured Almirian castle. When I slipped on some slag and smashed into a guard. he got angry and smashed my knee with his mace.
Kitten, Xenomorph
I was walking my Necromorph around the neighborhood when a giant kitten came and slapped my knee with his paw, breaking it.
there was a zombie puppet on the phone. he was to busy to put it in his pocket after hanging up. he just threw the phone at my knee really hard.
iPhone four
Everyone in the world came to buy a new iPhone and four of them trampled my knee.
Portal gun
I was walking about when a portal to another dimension opened infront of me. I stepped in and fell into a pile of guns. Another portal opened and I left, and a random Hobo broke my knee with a pipe.
Pipe, Sherlock Holmes
I steal Sherlock Holmes's Pipe and he broke my knee with it.
Earthbound, Giygas
I was talking with Giygas on the phone the other day, something about burning water, when my nonexistent brother came in and smashed his Earthbound game on my knee.
I dried myself with a towel, When mario jumped on my Knee breaking it.
Girls, British
I was in Britain and there was a stampede of girls (going to a One Direction concert) and they ran me over and i broke my knee!
Japan. Pipipipi
Me and PiPiPipi were playing a japanese game. When Japan fell on my head and broke my knee (Waitwut?)
Cheerios, Bomb
I was tossing bombs around when the bee mascot of Cheerios came and dropped an anvil onto my knee.
I appear to have a reputation for breaking knees...
In Minecraft, I decided to try to dig to China, but then I hit bedrock, so I mined it for 5 years and actually somehow almost broke through, when a skeleton appeared and shot me, which made me so angry that I turned on creative mode and broke through the bedrock, but instead of finding china, I found the void, which damaged me by breaking my knee
Hugs, Bart (the cactus)
Bart The Cactus tried to give me hugs, But he hugged my knee breaking it
Pi, Pie
i gave pi a pie. he didn't like they way it tasted. so threw the pie at me and kicked my knee.
fire, ice
I tried to set ice on fire. After succeeding a Logic Lord came and shot me in the knee for doing the impossibe.
The Lord of Logic held a parade and it ran over me and I broke mah knee
Internet, Wolver
I hoped for a new page so much mai knee broke.
Holy Mackerel