If people think this is a change meant to slow down progress then they are sorely mistaken. I laugh at their blind and ignorant perspective on the situation.
The change to radiant crystals is to encourage CE purchases pure and simple.
If people think this is a change meant to slow down progress then they are sorely mistaken. I laugh at their blind and ignorant perspective on the situation.
The change to radiant crystals is to encourage CE purchases pure and simple.
""It is true but what about FSC? There is no Arsenal Stations and FSC is the best place for heating but you need to go back to haven and get interrupted...So basically it is about FSC and crystals..""
Actually you can go to the ready room instead and save yourself the loading screen however it is indeed still annoying and an interrupt.
Also, they didn't 'reduce' the drop rate, it's still the same. They just removed Radiants from D21-26. There's a slight chance at D27, and there's a equal chance at D28. Three possible reasons for this:
1. It's a bug (unlikely).
2. New boss coming will drop them (it will be past D28) (likely).
3. Doing it solely to farm $ out of us (unlikely).
I stacked up 3k radiant fire crystals before the "nice and friendly" adjustment so my life isn't bad right now.
But yes I get the point: it's terrifying to see 80% of stratum 6 give shining fire crystals. Before it's the shining crystal, now it's radiant fire crystal :/
Of course there are people arguing we can play as much as we want.. Hey we have our real life, we have our body, we have our Calculus to take care (you name the rest)
We have our wallet and bank account too (if applicable ), paying for those ridiculously expensive crystal and have that cut throat feeling isn't nice
I guess they should let us upgrade crystal like the downgrade (seriously, 500cr for every downgrade is just a horrifying rip-off)
Thing aren't working right now, Nick
Sorry, but number two is probably the least likely because we have already been told that the new level will be tier 3. This means that it will likely take place on the same depths as "Firestorm Citadel" (assuming it's in the clockworks) similar to the way the "Royal Jelly Palace" and the "Ironclaw Munitions Factory" take place in Tier 2 on the same depths. Not to mention this isn't going to have a very positive impact on the clockworks. It would be silly to make radiant drop primarily in the new level while the arcade mode is stripped of them especially considering the devs are working on updates for the arcade.
Number one is unlikely simply because it hasn't been fixed yet. Ironically, although it is a hot issue for players the developers have already released patches to fix other less significant bugs.
Its called common sense,the same way some people,(smart people) would prepare for a disaster.I dont think anyone saw this coming but they shouldn't have let themselves get caught without surplus supplies.
@Writhes I am pretty sure it is not a bug and is indeed intentional to scam our money because if it was a bug, the GM's would've long time ago already patched it......
I like the new forge system (not the update of radiant drops though). It makes SK more of a grind instead of pay for your gear kind of game, and I love that . that's why I think this is the best event they've ever done, because it forces you to grind for a reward (though the rich still have it slightly easier).
As for leveling with radiants, some items don't even need to be leveled up. There's really no different between a level 1 or 10 shield (that's a lot of Radiants saved), Armor might be a little more noticeable. The only items that you should prioritize over others are weapons.
I acutally quite do like the new forge system a little bit since I got a radiant forge prize box. It is actually probably the drop rates of the 5* crystals I'm more concerned about
5* crystals should be made a bit higher droo rate, maybe there will be a sloom boss :/
Even bombers say they lose their main advantage of their strategy. The charge time reduction bonus. ....
(when do we want em')
(riot! riot! riot! riot!)
GIVE US HIGHER DROP RATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(little kid: yeah!)
(little kid: F YEAH!!!!!!!!!)
Hopefully my message is expressive enough. :3
If Radiant Crystals drops are going to stay this way, I think the prices for fire crystals on the market could stand to be halved. It's what? 6300ce to fully forge a 5* item without risking a chance at failing?
That's ridiculous.
Also the recipe for crafting down crystals could also stand to use/create 10x more.
On a vaguely related note...
I did an Elite T3 Arcade run. I forget the exact gate, but it was the one with a Fiend Strata followed by a Beast Strata in Tier 3. It was only after the D23 Terminal did I find any Radiant Shards, and that was from a Danger Room. I was in a party of 4 by this point. At the end of the run, I scrolled through the collected loot. Shinning Fire Crystals varied from about 40 to 70 per person, while Radiant Fire Crystals varied from 9 to 15. Most (if not all) of these were from Danger Rooms.
It works... up until around lvl 5. For 5* items, the first few levels require only 3/6/9 shards (for the low, medium, and high crafting chances, respectively). At lvl 3 to lvl 4, it bumps up to a measly 4/8/12 shards. However lvl 4 to lvl 5, it jumps way up to 14/28/42! When it's only 3 to 9 shards per level, then it's alright to only give us 9 to 15 shards per run. I'm fine with just one heat level per run. However lvl 8 to lvl 9 is 32/64/96 crystals and lvl 9 to lvl 10 is 34/68/102 crystals! I can understand a steeper price to go from lvl 4 to lvl 5 and lvl 9 to lvl 10, because those levels give you the CTR bonus on weapons (and the health bonus on armor at lvl 5). To continue increasing that shard price is really burdensome.
In a month I've found a total of six Radiant crystals
in a month
If you mean the apocrea, that is not a boss, but an event. However, the constantly happening arenas are the ultimate farming areas for players that is not aiming for obsidian mats.
As far as i can see, a lot of people on the forums has been complaining about the drop rates too so surely i am not the only one....... :\
Why so many branches off my main thread about it? That is copyright....
You don't copyright stuff on the forums. This wasn't the first thread about it anyway, so actually YOU'RE COPYRIGHTING!
The Forge/Heat Crystal system should be a way for impatient players to spend energy when they would not have before. Instead, in the case of Radiants, it's become a blatant paywall that obviously overvalues the forge function and that nobody in their right mind would pay. The standard amount of improved damage and charge time on one weapon is not worth a Red Lobster dinner or a game like Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
Indeed, 15-20 dollars to level a 5* weapon to 10 is not worth it. Especially when it was previously free.
You know what the worst part of all of this is? The developers don't have the sincerity to give people a straight answer and instead leave everyone in the dark confused and uncertain of what is happening. They didn't even put the change in the patch notes. This is just a terrible way to treat their players.
YOur right, freakin 15-20$ just to level uup to level 10? Now that is what I call a rip or scam
Its against the rules (DO NOT bullet # 3). Stop, Abcdz.
I just realized...
So... approx 450 radiants to get to lvl 10, if you use the 100% forge. 50 radiants is 700 CE. So that's 6300 CE per 5* piece of equipment. That's about 504000 crowns.
So lets do some stupid extrapolation! If you're lucky, you can grab a Chapeau off the featured auction for that price. Therefore, if you add in the crafting and heating cost of it's prior forms, my lvl 10 Dread Skelly Helm, my lvl 10 Callahan, my lvl 10 Valiance, my lvl 10 Mercurial Helm and my lvl 10 Mercurial Armor are all worth more than Chapeaus!
Are those the only 5* Items you have Lvl10? Because I win the game of riches then.
Of course not, I'm just too lazy to list then all. I'm sitting around 10 swords, 10 guns, 6 bombs, 4 shields, and 8 complete armor sets.
Why do you have that much armor?
x3 wolf x1 chaos x1 mercurial.... what else do you really need?
Dude, You gotta win in style points!
Skolver and Snarby are really the only ones I use, with my Vog set collecting dust. There's Chaos I made because I was curious. I used to be a pure Gunslinger, so I went Nameless first, and then got a Shadowsun when that got buffed. If you want to prove to the world that you've beaten every challenge of the game, you HAVE to be rockin' a full Almirian Crusader set. Then I got a Heavenly Iron Set because the helm looks nice (so much so that I got two Heavenly Iron Helms!) and the armor has a fun hoodie. Then I also wanted to be a total pimp and get an Ice Queen Set, because that collar is the best way to say to the world that you have CLASS.
I'm sitting on five 5* unheated weapons. If I wanted to convert CR to E to buy radiants, I'd need about 2.5M CR. That's about 275 dead Vanaducks.
Nevermind if I wanted to also heat my four 5* armor/shields that are not yet heated for bonus/health/fun that would be another 2M CR, aka another 220 FSC runs.
I've been playing since beta and have accumulated 84 5* Level 10 items. That would have cost 42M CR, ~4666 FSC runs. That seems like a huge number of runs, but the game was released back on 4/4/2011, or 941 days ago. So we are really only talking about 5 FSC runs a day. Totally doable /sarcasm.
Off-topic, but, looking through the Release Notes on the Wiki, I found this little gem under Coming Soon.
I have over 500 Shining Fire Crystals.. but I need Radiant!
Another patch that hasn't addressed this issue yet. Forgive me if I jump to conclusions that you're just trying to milk money from us, OOO.
But honestly, if you aren't, why not come out and say something about that?
I am still going to hold out judgement of this current situation until after the apocrea event ends. This drought only appeared when the event started so it is only right to wait until it is over to see the full ramifications.
If that was really the case don't you think at least one of the devs would have informed us of this considering the many threads that have already been made about the issue. It's not exactly a subtle issue yet the devs have said NOTHING.
That is true but I also know OOO to be a very quiet company who rarely comments on anything, and when they do its on the vague things. Silence is bad but most of the time saying something people dont like is worse (and that is what I think OOO is doing). Right now I am just saying to wait a little, if it is not fixed when the event ends then yes, I will bring out my pitchfork. Until that time arrives I will use it to keep all those little candy chompers away from my door and my precious candy.
Wolfe-Knight, I am pretty sure that there is a 90% chance that they wouldn't fix the drop rates because If they were to do that, they would've mention in it in all the threads relating to this topic or at least a tiny hint.......
Saying: EVERYONE in general is a lie, theres always people who like/hate something... AND it could cause people to get pissed at you, Try "A Lot of People are hating 4/5 star forge" I can agree there, heating with forge, is, a, Batch (of cupcakes) meaning not easy...
\~\ Another Logic Lesson from! Lowjaysky /~/
When was the last time they said they were going to change something by posting it in threads...
For example, a long time ago they made it so if you typed certain things, it'd auto-trigger certain emoticons. So if you typed "lol" it'd be as if you typed "/laugh". People hated it. They reverted it within a week, without saying a word in any of the dozens of hate threads. Now this is an extreme example, but still. Point to me the last time they announced their plans to change something by posting it in threads, and then acted on those plans. If anything, you know that rumor that the Iron Slug was going to get buffed? That all started when Nick mentioned in a random thread that he would of liked to buff the Iron Slug.
Maybe the lack of radiants is foreshadowing the new boss levels that might contain the equivalent of radiants that FSC once had? Anyone think of that? >.>
It is actually quite unclear of how you can ★*forsee*★ that the game masters would actually think of decreasing a large percentage of the drop rate. .....