You're sick,because you probably wouldn't care if you have to waste your stupid 700ce on those crystals so go off now and waste it if you wish.....
The New Forge System CONCERNING Issues
Maharito: "I too dislike the scarcity of 5-star fire crystals (and the item imbalances), but can we please stop making so many threads about it?"
Macken: "You don't care about the scarcity of 5-star fire crystals, and you're sick."
What I'm saying is that Maharito doesn't care about the posts, which means he doesn't care about the drop rates or cost.
Yes... he clearly doesn't care about the drop rates and cost. Thus he goes onto the forums and complains about them.
I honestly agree with him. I hate how few Radiants I have but can we just SHUT UP ABOUT IT? I got enough of this bull with Dota 2 not releasing Diretide...
If we sat there shut up, we would be bankers losing valuable time and money every single day.
I don't even understand what you just said Macken...
I, as well as Maharito, are tired of people spamming the forums about Radiants. I can understand one thread. I can understand a second thread made by mistake because maybe the guy didn't see the first thread.
But I count at least SIX THREADS ABOUT RADIANT FIRE CRYSTALS. And this is just the General Discussion section. There have been many others in Bug Reports, Arsenal, and New Recruits.
You all know those reviews Metacritic did and pummeled OOO because the energy system WHICH METASCORE SHOULD'VE NOT ACTED LIKE IT WAS THE FIRST TIME THEY SAW AN ENERGY SYSTEM? Now they should pummel OOO on their godawful Radiant drops and prices.
I dont trust websites to review MMOs
A good MMO you dont play through in a week. You spend months playing, at least, with always something to do next. In addition, if try to review an MMO in a week, you're only experiencing the beginning hook of the game, plus maybe the first level. It'd be like trying to review a Legend of Zelda game after only fighting two bosses.
Some games are too addicting that you can't get out of the hook, we're the bait
Eventually someone's going to use Godwin's Law, and this thread'll be emptied.
Don't you talk about nature or I shall banish you to the farthest depths of Tartarus while eating my muffin!
You can't get anything done by "shutting up about it". The only way to get it fixed is to insure that the voices are heard. This would have been fixed already if this the front page of the forums were flooded with these types of threads everyday.
Two or three threads per day is really not a huge deal.
A single thread with hundreds of replies looks a lot better than hundreds of threads with singles replies. Having multiple thread based on the same idea makes the community seem ignorant and not worth listening too. A well thought out discussion with a constructive ongoing exchange will help a lot more and make this community seem a tad bit less impertinent.
OOO obviously knows of the current state of affairs, so if we can stay genteel we might just convince them we are not all demanding. OOO may be in the wrong but we have not helped our own cause with the ways we have been handling things. If the community can stay stable then maybe OOO can finally talk to us with out us biting their heads off.
"Two or three threads per day is really not a huge deal."
Would you rather be killed with a rusty spoon or a bike chain?
You are correct. Everyday, I see some stupid 5 threads about radiants where I have more than 160 replies. Why don't they choose to support this into one big topic? Instead, they make topics with a around 10 replies all scattered around.....
Returning player here; did play back in long ago - when power lvling heat wep for CE was the thing, I stop playing when they just rolled out bind on equip for weapons since that killed it player heat lvling service.
FYI I won't be playing currently but maybe revisit in 6 months to a year or something to see what is new.
Forge - total rubbish and just an extra grind; low drops, each rank requiring different items, etc etc.
Honestly, the removal of CE cost for gates is so so since all it did was shift the cost to something else, to the extreme. More grind for the same reward. Casual players are certainly fubar in this regard.
Last is gameplay lag spikes and glitches. It's silly that i get frame drops and such on a fast system that can handle most games on max settings.
Saddens me this game is this way since I was wanting to get back into it.
Honestly, I do like how the grind shift has changed. It makes it so it's not just about getting more and more crowns. You're free to go on casual arcade runs and you still get a decent amount of crystals. Doesn't matter if you're running FSC or if you're just strolling down some clockwork tunnels, you'll still be able to get a decent profit. If anything, it reduces the grind, because you no longer have to hunt for the profitable levels, like Arena Looping or FSC grinding.
The shift is amazing. Everyone is now actually free to play however you desire while with the energy cost elevators, if you didn't have an elevator pass the majority of people only cared about the crowns gained per energy. Fire crystals are really a minor annoyance if you look at the big picture of the freedom everyone got. People don't seem understand that if OOO gave away even more, they wouldn't be able to maintain to run the game. You can only give away so much if you ever plan to get something in exchange. The radiant fire crystals while unarguably a heated up case doesn't really warrant all the ruckus on the forums, yes, it sucks if you were to pay for all the radiants in the energy but with all announced by Nick stuff which might be still far in the future it's not something i'd get annoyed by because I'd think they will be put in there, as a reward for actually good players. The amount you need to pay for radiants if you care for the CTR gain could get you trinkets and trinkets slot for a long time. Yes, your damage still suffers but if you upgrade to 5*, you do it mainly for the upgraded functionality.
The recent Apocrea event also has shown that they kinda care because even after the nerf, the rates were in my opinion much easily farmable and much better than, let's say, for the black cat event if we were to craft all the piece of equipment so I'd see that as an improvement. Apocrea was also better thought out as an event, you could focus on the task while also reaping the benefits of the great arenas that were in the missions rotation.
This game would never be as big as TF2. Honestly Tf2 has a lot going for it.
You play the same maps on Tf2 because they are fun. Here you play the same maps, because the game forces you to grind. If the game had a system where any map gave the same amount of crowns and heat, you would see players change the maps they play.
Another major thing is OOO is set on alienating half their playerbase. Us players in Australia or even in Asia just get one bar. With a lag of like 300 ms, there is no way its gonna compete with a game like TF2, where almost every players has the option to play on servers in their local areas.
Edit: Forgot to add. TF2 has a lag compensation system even though they have servers all over the world. SK doesn't even have that.
Let's just make one thing clear Rahul... Lag in specific countries is due to budget, not quality. Servers are expensive. Valve is a big company and thus can afford servers across the world. OOO is a small companies, and must make do with fewer servers, thus certain countries get a better connection compared to others.
Also, Lag compensation systems? Disconnect from a Tf2 game and you lose your score, kill count, etc. Disconnect from an SK run and you'll be teleported along, so you don't hold up your allies, and you keep all your vials/vitapods. Admittedly you still can be killed, which is the only part I can complain about, however there's no real way to fix that without making it horribly abusable. If you mean ways to reduce lag via optimization... well I don't think either of us can say anything about that unless you've gone through the SK/Tf2 program files.
Tf2 also is built around the matches, rather than the map. It's PvP. The enemy players make the match, who can be unpredictable and constantly changing/adapting. The map is just the backdrop. In Spiral Knights PvE, it's all about the level. Many levels are randomly generated, but beyond that they kinda have to be relatively fixed/constant. Even then, there are a massive array of diverse and unique levels in SK, and recent patches are pushing people to not just grind the same set of levels. If you talk to many SK veterans, they'll say Lockdown is why they stick around, despite lockdown having fewer levels than the arcade. Why? Same reason Tf2 is entertaining, even if you play 100 matches on the same 3 levels.
Title says 'nuff.
Honestly, I prefer the Forge compared to Mist Energy. Think about it:
{Well, it isn't THAT fu-}
Shut up brackets.
{But I-}
Go away. Now, the reason OOO has lag is thus: they aren't millionaires, peeps. They have limited funding, limited staff, and a limited ability to work 24/7/365/forever.
2 or 3 threads per day is not bad
Should I kill you with a Wrench Wand or a lucerne hammer? Hmm...
I actually already voiced that concern in another thread. About half my guild is in the Eastern Hemisphere, so I hear about this stuff all the time. Yet, we still seem to rank in GVG Lockdown just because so many of us are on at a time (a very late time for me, but whatever). It's amazing what you can do with one bar...but beating Jempire is still not one of those things.
Pretty depressing itself to see most of the people that commented on this forum left because of the lack of updates and potentially what this topic was about 3 years ago and how ignorant Three Ring was about the suggestions. As a result, many players and guilds slowly vanished into the void. What a shame....
Gray Havens are here and they don't have SEGA breathing down their necks to milk money from players.
Hopefully, we will see changes to the drop rates, sooner or later.
I believe they intend to but since they aren't a big company, it is questionable if they have enough funding to do so.
Once this game picks up speed again, I'm sure people, including me, will start splashing cash... We just need a reason to splash it :)
How about reverting back to the old hearing system eh? Better than paying 700E for 50.
Who the hell buys radiants? Just run through dan or do a few t3 arenas, and BAMM, radiants. The inflated ce price is partially due to the free elevators + the mission system. You could play 32/9 if you wanted to. Many players still get to 5* too fast, and most of them are completely lost, ending up dying even to easier enemies.
Rads could start dropping from d24, though. Or at least they could increase the chance on d25, getting rads on d25 once or twice every month is not gonna cut it.
Yes, did DaN 3 times yesterday.
1st run - 13 Radiants
2rd run - 15 Radiants
3rd run - 21 Radiants
Thats.... 49 radiants. Enough for a good 20% chance forge. Awesome.
3 runs isn't really enough for relevant data. When running DaN, I seldom get under 20 rads per run, usually closer to 25-30 rads per run. You had some pretty bad RNG luck there.
It was not so much data as much as an example of why I hate the Radiants. I once did 4 runs in a row and didn't break 20 rads in DaN. The point is that its a horrible system at the current drop rates.
Yes someone do get 40-50 rads per run, lucky them. I have never gotten anywhere close to that.
Again, I'm saying you have had pretty bad luck. Just because you did 4 runs in a row and didn't break 20 rads per run doesn't mean that DaN is a bad radiant farm. Considering what we have, it's a great radiant farm. That being said, I do believe rads could use a bit of a boost in drop rate but not a huge one.
I'm suspicious of that 13-Radiant run. Radiants always come in triples.
For what it's worth, the Lancer Knightz mission rarities data set has 12 observations for Dreams and Nightmares on Elite difficulty, with an average of 21.75 Radiants per run. I haven't bothered to compute a confidence interval for the mean, but I'm betting that Enclavean's luck wasn't bad at all --- well within "normal".
So his point stands, that it takes rather a long time to heat a single 5-star item. And though there are 21 missions that can give Radiants, only two of them are really good (DaN, KoA), and only five others are anywhere near decent (Shadowplay and danger missions), so you find yourself grinding. And though the Arcade can be a great place for Radiants, and it is less grindy, reaching depth 26 takes a while.
Was probably 12, forgive me. I was very sleepy when I posted that.
That being said, I do believe FSC is the best way to farm radiants because it also gives money, heat, shinings, mats, and yeah. DaN gives nothing until you reach the end.
Also I had another run today, and got 39 Radiants. Felt good I must admit >:)
Apparently, it seems at the moment that there is no efficient or generous way of obtaining radiant unless it is SL. I did SL Vana today and got a whopping 91 Radiant Crystals. WOW, now at least that amount is decent for a 1 hour run. Well, too bad it costs me 450E just to obtain that. To be completely honest, the only 2 ways to obtain them currently are to either BUY them or GRIND them. And that is where the problem kicks in that drives away new players.
You see, as a seasoned veteran myself and many others in the game, we have usually accumulated enough resources to BUY the Crystals if we are lazy. We could also grind for Crystals if we wanted too. That part is acceptable since it's fair enough. Afterall, we DO HAVE A CHOICE TO EITHER BUY OR GRIND.
NEW PLAYERS DON'T HAVE A CHOICE. THEY HAVE TO EITHER GRIND OR SPEND REAL MONEY to get the Crystals. And when new players feel they have to grind or spend real money?
Well, they simply find a more generous game.....
The calculated average is much closer to 22.something, from fehzor's mega thread and my own calculations for my data project
Its easily the best place for rads taking into account all factors, more than fsc and it doesnt cost more that it gives (shadow lairs)
Once i had a 0 rads DaN.
Not that i will ever be in shortage, its just a fun fact ;-]
FSC is a decent alternative if you need shinings. If you don't, then it isn't as good as DaN.
Had 2 runs today. Got 30 and 9 respectively.
@Lethal-Bunduru: At first I needed shinings. But its been so long since I crafted I'm stacked up on them now. Still I usually get close to the same amount of radiants in FSC and DaN. Only slightly more in DaN but the fact that I actually make money more than makes up for this.
Note that practically none of my five star items are fully heated :x
The reasons radiants stink is there's no easy way to get to them casually in a timely manner, and once you get there it's largely up to chance whether or not you get anything worthwhile. For example, I've gotten literally zero radiants in dreams and nightmares, and on the coin flip I've gotten 30+ in consecutive runs, even going as high as 45 radiants. When 30 minutes ~= 700 energy it's sort of clear what choice the player will take though.
When you're accumulating an arsenal, radiants are a huge hindrance. Recently I've sort of hit the end of my gear collection (for now at least), and suddenly my radiant farming habits have me back up 500 radiants and not needing to use them. That feels nice, but when I've spent over 45k radiants on my arsenal and never had more than 2k before the drought it's sort of a big deal.
One thing I did learn on my alt recently was that shinings were annoying to get because you have to get them to level 10 to progress, and most players trying to progress don't think about end-game grinding. Instead they think about progress they're not having right now because they see 5* just beyond their grasp. Because of that, shinings drop more frequently, and to be honest, that is completely fine. The solution is to open up more easily-accessible end-game farming grounds for radiants because shinings can be sought out in all places a 4* knight will be going, and that's actually healthy for the game. We need more levels like dreams and nightmares, or perhaps allow vanguards to continue into the core for loot at depth 30 and beyond, despite being depth ???.
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It's still depressing and irritating to see this come up again and again. Yeah, sure, my usage of newly-acquired 5* weapons has come to a grinding halt--but can I read a day in the forums without this coming up too much for once?
I used to not mind that this has so many topics associated with it, but not if the end result is feeling like crud about a game that still more than deserves my attention despite this glaring fault.
As far as I'm concerned, if they fix this and hire a professional weapon balancer, there's no reason this couldn't become as big as TF2. Just, I'm sick of reading about it.