Upon base destruction the planet self destructed which sent us into that dangerzone.
My squad got VERY ANGRY so we got a plan.
Teslaload (Energyload X) shows up near turrets as a bait, while Carbon came in with Damage-Nullifier X resisting dangerzone damage.
Heavyduty Charge using Deflecto-reflectors reflected bullets of megaships.
Carbon sneaks inside the Rave Ship and stole the cookie, then he gives it to Matikclocker.
I fly to the Inner Dimension and set up Megacannons everywhere and I upgrade to Matikclocker Alpha wielding Hammer of Divinity with a power causing everybody to go back to Earth upon hitting.
Then I jump off
How does that work? We were in space.
I buy two torpedo turrets and place them next to Matik's base to kill anything that gets out on the ground. Unfortunately he has no anti-air turrets so he can't hit them. I then get a bunch of siege tanks which shoot at the base from afar. The base explodes and I use my tractor beam to take the cookie.
I fly as far as I can into a dangerzone before exploding. Dangerzones are sections of space that are ao dangerous that when you go in one you begin taking a ton of damage and ships which deal a lot of damage and are hard to defeat, which also spawn constantly.
The cookie right now is deep in the danger zone.
I put up a bunch of turrets next to the entrance of the dangerzone, both "missile" and laser, same properties as before. Note that they'll shoot you before you get in range. I guard it with my ship as well, which has a ton of deadly weapons on it. I proceed to put up a bunch of missile tanks. Missile tanks shoot the same thing as missile turrets. They can only be hit by torpedos and other tanks.