No it isn't-
Waiter, there is embarrassment in my soup.
No it isn't-
Waiter, there is embarrassment in my soup.
Really? I don't see anyone laughing
Waiter, anouther pokemon refrence is in my soup, specificly, a snivy
Well my Servine is Serperior than you.
Waiter, the bad puns are bucking us up doe.
Do-h. Re-ally, do you have to get Mi to Fa-llow you, So-nosuke, the La-st person I want to be with curren-Ti-ly?
Waiter, I need the microphone from the OP.
I can't do that for you....
Waiter, the microphone from the OP is in my soup...
Waiter there are loads of 1000 dollar bills in my soup
To bad they're Monopoly money.......
Waiter a Mince Pie Monster is in my soup.
Whoa, calm yourself. You can have free Jello instead.
Waiter, Rabid is flipping out in my soup.
Try the tranquilizer dart.
Waither Sonosuke is dropping sleeping pills in my soup...
Really? It looks more like Thowardz is doing the dropping to me...
Waiter, now Thowardz is dropping caffine pills in Flame's soup
Waiter, I overloaded on caffine!
What about the sleeping pills? Thowardz wouldn't make you eat caffine pills without making you eat sleeping pills
Waiter, Use is being innacurret
Rich coming from you, spelling champion(!)
No, bsfgns.
Waiter, two flys are mating in my soup.
Don't you want more rasins?
Waiter, my soup is full of rasins... and I think they are moving
Your soup also looks cold. *pulls out flamethrower*
Waiter, there's Apocrean Cultists in my soup.
Well then.. I have no explanation for *Sonosuke's soulless body falls facefirts into his soup* Oh.
Waiter a mewkat sized black kat is in my soup. Check him out.
Killed it with my ASI VH Combuster.
Waiter, there is a dog in my soup.
Maybe you should kill it. (ANTI JOKES AWAY!)
Waiter, there is a dead dog in my soup.
A spoonful of sugar helps the soup go down.
Watier, why are you not a waitress?
Dunno, maybe a spy girl disguise as one. Oh! Did I mention that I were disguised as a spy girl?
Waiter, there are cereal boxes in my soup.
Waiter, why did Usesevnsevnsixfivfor just run out crying?
I dunno. It could be that another waiter just called him ThunderThighs.
Waiter, why do I have stew?
That isn't stew, it's broth.
Waiter, why does my soup taste like bitter almonds and smell like fresh paint?
Hey waiter, dont tell anyone, but my paint can fell in the soup while the chef was not looking.
Waiter, why do you have an 8 year old waitress?
Okee *jumps out the window*
Waiter, Naruto fan girls are in my soup
God bless America.
Waiter, a communist flag is in my soup.
/shoots Valorai in the head
Commy down.
Waiter... FUS RO DAH!
*Smashes through roof*
Waiter, a waiter has crash-landed in my soup.
And in their tongue... he was Dovahkiin. DRAGONBORN! FUS RO DAH!
Waiter, that guy just got launched in a blue, hazy light. And is that an.... Argonian?
Shots fired.
Waiter, YOLO!! *brings a fork to a socket*
Don't do thaa... too late.
Waiter, a fried Sonosuke just fell into my soup. Of all places, in my soup.
What? I can't hear you over me murdering you
Waiter, someone murdered Use, and I think it's anouther waiter
/lays dead with a message in pocket. Press X to read the message.
/presses X
Waiter, I forgot I can't read
Dear Linda,
I had just finished my buisness trip to Chicago yesterday. The plane I was supposed to take crashed into a resteraunt selling soup. I am checking it out as I right this, enjoying some soup. But many bizzare things have been happening lately- dry soup, bent forks, broken bowls. I will catch the next flight as soon as I finish this meal.
Who is this "Linda"? Does your wife know about her?
Waiter, U77654's vengeful wife is inside the restaurant. Thankfully, I hid him in my soup
Hide underneath the carrot, she might see you!
Waiter, I swag with reckless abandon.
I don't understand this either......
Waiter, there's a mouse in my soup. WHY IS THERE A MOUSE IN MY SOUP!!!!!!!!!
That's anouther customer, silly
Waiter, I turned into a mouse and am in Flame's soup
You're in your soup.
Waiter, Malk is talking to himself again. I also love how we practically derailed the original purpose of this thread.