My mini story: The grand, legendary battle
Once upon a time, there was a legendary knight named Benightz. He was the most legendary knight in the whole universe. He was the king of the knights. He was powerful and defeated every single person in lockdown. Then, during his break, there was a gremlin ship that broke in through the castle and smashed through Benightz's head. His head was banged and his loyal knights attacked. Then, after defeating all those gremlins, Vanaduke, jelly king, RT and snarbolax came all at once. They attacked the whole castle and Benightz woke up. He said "WTF HAPPENED?!?!". Benightz then went to fight and fight everybody. He used his avenger and charged his divine avenger. It hits the jelly king and the RT. The snarbolax tried to use his growling ability, so Benightz just threw a stick at vanaduke and snarbolax attacked vanaduke and ate him. Then, Snarbolax exploded. There were blood and smoke coming out so Benightz decided to throw a party
@Vi: Thanks for the mini entry, and you're right, "drones" was the actual correct answer. Don't know why I dropped the 's' on the answer key.
@Myqpalzm: Thanks for the entry!
@All: I'll do the CE awards once my houseguests leave this afternoon; I still have a few things I have to do before they get here.
EDIT: Eeee! Page 10!