Granted, but 0 ÷ 0 = THE END OF THE !@#$ING WORLD!
i wish i had more dogs.
Granted, but 0 ÷ 0 = THE END OF THE !@#$ING WORLD!
i wish i had more dogs.
I wish i could buy a mewcat pet D:
Granted, but it grows up and eats you.
i wish i had 1 million crowns, and a mocha
Granted. You get the crowns and then went and bought the mocha but the price went up to 1 million crowns.
I wish someone would cook dinner for me tonight and do the dishes afterwards.
You are arrested for owning a slave.
Granted. The speed increased by 10% and you never had service outages but the price for service increased by 200%.
I wish I had a lollipop.
Granted someone throws a lollipop at you and it hits you in the eye
I wish for a brand new 2012 Mustang.
Granted. I have it delievered via helicopter on top of your house.
I wish for a waffle... i like waffles.
but i lov waffles even more and steal them from u and give u AIDs
I wish to be loved by my parent and the people around me and my dog
Granted, They like the way you taste and eat you alive.
I wish someone would get that Mustang off my roof.
granted, they put it in your room
i wish that my crush would fall in love with me
Granted, but they die.
i wish i had another hamburger.
Granted, it starts raining hamburgers, and you become allergic to meat.
I wish I had a $200 million house.
granted, and u live in your house for a while and your health slowly ditererates until u go to hospital and when u get their doc relizes that u have lung cancer and when house is investigated it turns out that your cellings were made of asbestous that poised your lungs but since nobody is stuped enough to make poisunus cielings they suspect fowl play, so many years later they have no idea how it happened and drop the case, but even more years later a 10 year old goes into the now belived "haunted house" on a dare when their he dissapers and his body is so horribly mutilated it makes u through up just listening to describtions of the body, yada yada, blah blah blah, the whole town is killed and when the house is fnally dimolished by the pasage of time there is found a a hole of infinte depth and sucks away the esence of life and in this hole awakes a being, an ultimate being with un amaginable amount of power, and that being is me.
i wish i had more power so i could kill the earth
Granted, you die with the earth.
I wish Chuck Norris would be my body guard.
Wish granted. I poke him with a chainsaw and he loses his legs. :D
I wish I had a case of M80's.
They are delivered to your house with lighted fuses.
I wish I could hire better judges for American Idol. Seriously.
Granted, but they all are investigated by the FBI, and are put in jail.
i wish i had more Uv's
granted, you get so many UV's your weapons explode and you die.
I wish for a tuna sandwich.
Granted I then swoop in take it and eat it with my cookie
I wish could keep a pristine, unharmed, invincible giant doomsday robot that cannot be tampered with except by me.
Granted. You sleep-tampered with it and blew yourself up.
I wish that Canada would be on fire as punishment for Justin Bieber and Nickelback.
Granted, no tampering with this wish
I wish I found a place i could belong in SK
You found you belonged in a tile of shadowfire.
I wish KONY 2012 was exposed as a giant scam and that the fact that Kony has been dead for 6 years was drilled into the minds of everyone.
Granted, but it makes an astounding comeback.
i wish i had moar skillz.
But you get bored with every game in the whole world.
I wish for a pulsar.
PS: I bought one for 28k cr.
@fallconn the sad thing is I actually bought one...
Granted Eg, but i shoot you with my polaris, :D
i wish people would quit forgetting to make wishes :-:
Granted, you forget to make wishes.
I wish for a left shoe.
But you got Both shoes and they were broken.
I wish for OCH.
Granted. A case of outdated chicken hearts is delivered to your door.
I wish pigs could fly.
But, we can't get any bacon because they fly away before we get them.
I wish for a nuke.
@Iamnoone: PS: I do have the expansion OCH.
granted they drop the nuke on your house and the radiation turns you into a mutant with 4 arms and wings, and u live in secret.
i wish for a tank, that has no ammunition in it, and no gas, outside my house.
Granted, you get a little plastic toy tank.
I wish for brand new pants
Granted. but they are made out of dirt, and fall disintegrate.
i wish for a rubber band gun.
Granted, but the rubber band snaps and hits you in the face.
I wish to live forever.
You live past the end of days and you get bored out of your mind with nothing to do.
I wish I found out whose pants these are.
Granted, but you get arrested for theft.
i wish i had moar skillz :C
Granted, but i have even more skills and kill u dead
I wish that fallconn, justin bever and nickleback would die because fallconn got his skills but it was the skill to fail misrebly at everything and was trying to protect JB and nikleback but ended up killing them and himself
Granted , but you get killed as well as your soul is somehow what connected to nickleback's soul .
I wish that CE was only 1 crown per 100 CE .
Granted but crowns were illuminated from the game and everything is down in CE. The cost to craft went through the roof. It now costs 20,000 CE to craft 1* items, 40,000 for 2*, 100,000 for 3* and so on. Everyone got mad and went to other game sites. Sega still felt the need to get mega rich from SK and raised the price of real $ purchases by 1000%.
I wish i had more time for playing games.
Granted but with that time everyone asks you to do stuff so you don't have time to play and end up working more then nromal
I wish that I got punched in the face
Granted, you get punched in the face with a bullet.(that got fired out of a gun)
I wish for my dream loadout.
Granted but some noob kicked your butt and stole it from you.
I wish I had a puppy.
Granted, but it died because you ran over it.
i wish i had an Attack Speed Increase Medium Twisted Snarble Barb.
You get your Snarble Barb, but a toothpick hater hacks your account and takes it, then sells it to an NPC.
I wish the Clefable that I had evolved too soon would turn back to a Clefairy. (Really, this just happened. I just found out that a Clefable won't learn anything other than TM moves, where as Clefairy learns some good stuff. I learned this after I evolved it and saved.)
It happens but I kill it looks like you're taking a trip to lavender town. (Just get chansey or Blissey way better
I wish /b/ was cured of the cancer that's killing it.
It/he/she/them was cured by being bombed by cancer killing radiation, but it/he/she/they die/dies one day later due to over dose of radiation.
I wish that these guys would exist in SK as pets, and that I would have one.
Granted, but you are killed by an enraged Chaos shortly thereafter for kidnapping Chao.
I wish that Mist Tanks were more common.
Granted. but they now take mist AWAY mist each time.
i wish i could have damage bonus above max.
Granted, It will happen in a thousand years...
I wish
1 = 5
4 = 3
6 = 2
5 = 6
2 = 4
3 = 1