But, he'll say it three times.
I wish i didn't land my lifeboat into this thread.
But, he'll say it three times.
I wish i didn't land my lifeboat into this thread.
Granted you landed in the middle of a erupting volcano.
I wish for a pizza from pizza hut.
but the pizza is rubber
I wish for a real pizza that will NOT be thrown in my face.
Granted, it is thrown at your mother's face instead.
I wish for dirty socks.
But the dirty socks are extremely poisonous and a whiff of that stuff can kill you.
I wish for Damastaa to be poked 1234566543123456756432456738762123456432 times with needles. and ONLY Damastaa. Not anyone or anything else. Oh,and the machine will do the poking.
The machine slips and explodes in your face.
I wish for bombs.
Bombs blow up in ur hands. One of them is a Gravitation Vortex.
I wish for DAMASTAA to be poked 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 times by a sword.
Wish granted. DAMASTAA is poked 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 times by a sword.
I wish the Random thread didn't go to the graveyard and have to become a zombie that can't be killed.
granted, you were thrown into the graveyard
i wish for the king in zelda to say dinner
Granted, your hit the face with a roasted turkey.
I wish that numbers ended.
Granted. The age limit on Spiral Knights disappears and the game is taken over by 8 year olds.
I wish that global warming destroyed the North Poll.
Granted,but then your house gets flooded because of all the water.
I wish that I stopped raging in the forums.
Granted, you have been banned on SK entirely and can't play the game either.
I wish we had more moons circling the Earth.
granted, but they all crash into the earth.
i wish i had more money.
granted, but bluebrawler stole it while saying a really bad troll
i wish i had toast
Granted, a toaster is put on you head.
I wish pluto was a planet again.
Granted but I blow it up shortly after
I wish that nothing would happen
Granted, food production stops and you starve to death.
I wish for a vending machine.
Granted, a vending machine falls on your head.
I wish people would stop poking me.
granted, we stab you instead
i wish everyone pokes damastaa forever
Granted. but we poke you too.
i wish i had the fastest car in the world.
granted but you crash at 860 mph and nothings left
for a piece of super meat
if is the meat: It is a wolver but it eats YOU.
I wish i had a nuke (WT# boom?)
You received 2 for your birthday. When you mom saw them, she took them and grounded you for a year for playing with weapons.
I wish I had tickets to the Death Cab for Cutie concert.
those tickets was from 10 years ago.
I wish for __________ity ____ _____ _____ (translation: Blankity, Blank, Blank, BLANK.)
You are assaulted by a murderer. You try to shoot him but you fire a blank. You die.
I wish I had tickets to the Five Iron Frenzy concert in Denver, Colorado.
Not granted.
I wish the next person that posts would donate 1000ce to me. <3
You HAVE to grant it, but screw it up somehow.
Granted. I am disqualified D:
I wish for the freedom of trolls.
Granted, but they get inslaved by me
i wish that we had more trolls.
granted,but they rebel from your enslavement and enslave you instead.
i wish for a ham sandwich.
Granted, but trolls made it, and gave you a witch riding a wild hog covered in sand.
i wish i didn't have to go to some dumb thingy in a few weeks.
You go to an even dumber thingy in a few weeks.
I wish I had a Five Iron Frenzy Concert ticket again.
Granted. You got the tickets and stood in line for hours waiting to get into the show. Just before going through the gate, the guy behind you mugged you and stole the tickets and your pants.
I wish I had a cinnamon bun.
Not granted. I give you a choice of three poke balls.
I wiss dat u guise wold stup runing mah dreemz
Listen, Trollin-You, you HAVE to grant the wish and screw it up some way. Unless of course you don't even know how to screw it up in which case U SUDNT B HERE. And you're a horrible troll.
Not granted.
I wish that I had an apple
Okay fine then since you seem to be absolutely dead set on not actually trying to play the game I'll ignore you and start from Iamnoone.
You get a cinnamon bun that burns your hands.
I wish for a toy train.
(if trollin-you answers this, disregard his answer)
Semi-granted, I ate your toy train before Santa could it to you.
I wish that you would ignore me.
But you eventually fade from existence W/O a presence.
I wish that I could become a weresnarbolax O___e
Granted. I roast and eat you.
I wish I could eat Xplad
Granted, but he grabs 2 pieces of bread and smashes you in-between them, and eats you.
i wish chickens could feed themselves
Granted, they start by eating you.
I wish that grass wouldn't grow so I don't have to mow it.
Granted, but you don't grow either, so you die....
i wish we didn't have to wait so long for people to respond to these posts.
Anyway, Granted but they post so fast you can't keep track of who's posting what.
I wish for a Ipad.
Granted, but they misspell it and give you an Opad.
i wish i had more cashes :C
Granted, but bluebrawler steals it
i wish that cockroaches didn't exist
Granted, but i send in more, and kill them again (cause i hate cockroaches as much as anyone)
i wish i had a boat load of crowns :C
But it sinks
I wish for a new page in this thread. xD
Granted they're great suggestions but the GM's don't use them
I wish Fallconn wouldn't say granted twice. XD