EDIT: NOT AGAIN. Oh well. Someone steals your new credit card shortly after you obtain it.
I wish for 700 ce.
EDIT: NOT AGAIN. Oh well. Someone steals your new credit card shortly after you obtain it.
I wish for 700 ce.
Granted, but you lose all the money you had for a better life.
I wish SK provides with better paying services maybe ones that helps SEA players better.
SK now provides better paying services. But they charge you for the better paying services.
I wish someone would kill me (slow or fast or painful i really dont care)
Granted, but nothing happens.
I wish for a cookie.
Granted, t is big, tasty and full of chocolate chips. You get half way through eating it when you realize the bottom is covered with bugs.
I wish all the cars and trucks in the world would disappear.
Granted, but you're always late for work because you dont have a mode of personal transportation and the subway's always full of people.
I wish you didnt make that cookies out of bugs .... *vomits*
Wish granted, it was really rat droppings.
I wish I didn't live a block away from work. They always call me lat the ast minute to replace my co-workers and I don't have a good excuse for being late.
Granted, you get evicted from your home and now is forced to bunk with the janitor at your workplace.
I wish i didnt ask for that cookie! *vomits some more*
Granted you get Smurfet eating cookies.
I wish my work place had a janitor.
Granted, but he never cleans your cubicle and anything you own in the office.
Granted, but he never cleans your cubicle and anything you own in the office.
I wished for nothing.
And nothing you shall get. You also lose your wallet and computer.
I wish the days were longer.
Granted, you become so fast, it only seemed like a day will last forever.
I wish for my stuff back. And a cookie.
Granted your wallet came back empty and the computer was fully of cookies.
I wish there was a meteor shower tonight.
Granted. A meteor made of showers smashes you in the face.
I wish that the cookies in my computer where edible and safe to eat.
Granted but they moan and scream and moan when you eat them.
I wish that shower didn't hurt my face.
Granted. You get showered with meteors to forget about your pains of the shower meteor.
Wish i had less noisy cookies to munch on. >:I
bites into another screaming cookie.
Granted but they are soft and wet.
I wish the meteors didn't hit me as they showered down around me.
Granted, everything near and dear to you gets destroyed by the shower.
I wish these cookies arent.
Granted. Your cookies aren't destroyed by that meteor shower, but are made soggy by a sunshower of rain.
I wish to time travel.
Granted, but you get stuck in a loop after killing your grandfather in a bar fight, you cease to exist, but then there's no one to kill your grandfather so he continues to live, but then you exist again and you went back in time and kill him. repeat.
I wish i have better cookies.
You get some great cookies. They are soon to release Oreos, and the Oreo company will sell some for $100 a box. Sadly, everyone wants them and you get killed so they can eat them.
I wish to have good luck for ever and ever. XD
Granted. Money starts fluttering towards you. In fact, so much money starts to flutter towards you, you get paper cuts and eventually get buried under the literal ton of money.
I wish I wasnt eating Oreos .... I hate em. >:I
You are not eating oreos. You are not eating anything. You starve to near death, and wake in a hospital bed.
I wish for another wish.
Granted but you wasted your wish wishing for it.
I wish i have just a cup of tea ..... ugh ....
But after you take the bio-gel to heal yourself. And the tea tastes bad.
I wish for more bio-gel.
Granted. But Artifice sews you for stealing his ideas from his stories.
I wish this healing process would speed up. Just once. For me.
Granted, time speeds up healing you quickly but also making you very old.
I wish the sun would come out.
Granted. The sun elbow nudges the part of the Earth with Iamnoone on it.
I wish i wasn't so old Dx
you forgot everything you learn since your 1 year old.
I wish people to STOP using Time machines.
After reliving my life again. Literally.
Granted, but you suffer a series of really unfortunate events after you took that penny from the street and now you live in the alleys as a hobo.
I wish it was harder to predict what the corrupted wishes would do.
But it would end the tread, the owner comes and blows you up. As for me, I blow myself up with a nuke.
I wish that this thread resumes
Granted. But the alternate universe thread doesnt grant corrupted wishes. It grants actual wishes from corrupted ones.
I wish that i wasnt easily confused.
Granted you aren't as much fun anymore and no one plays with you.
I wish all the stupid people would get lost in the same room together.
granted, but everyone else is in that room too.
i wish it was summer now.
Granted, but after being ushered into a room full of random people, you cant find the way out.
I wish I wasnt confused how not being confused makes me a dull person.
Granted. You fall into a deep depression when you realize being confused is the only thing people find of worth about you, that they enjoy doing it to you, and that they aren't really your friends. That deep depression worsens when you realize you have no friends at all. Soon after, you obsess on how to kill yourself without it hurting much when you do it. You decide there is no painless way and try using an electric craving knife on your throat and meet failure. You get even more depressed realizing you're a failure too.
I wish I had off from work today.
Granted. But the Pit Boss tells you you have to work on all holidays.
I wish i wasn't so suicidally depress. ; ~ ;
Granted. You swing manic and try to convince others you are god and to prove it you will make them able to fly. You take many people to the top of a building and they try.
I wish lakes and rivers were made of chocolate.
Weeeelll, guess i wont be seeing those lot anymore. Shame they FELL for it! :D *pie'd to the face*
Granted, but they're polluted with modern day sewage and toxic dumps.
I wish .... for .... uh .... I dont really know what to wish for. Thread, grant me something horrendous >:I
Granted, you get slapped in the face with a dead cactus.
i wish i had more letters to spell with....
Granted. All the words in existence are now spelled with odd new looking alphabets. But you're keyboard doesn't accommodate such letters.
I wish my face wasn't pricked. >~ o
Granted, its just sawed off instead!
i wish we had more hills.....
Granted. A hill uproots and falls onto you.
Points to my sawed off face and manages to tell you guys that i wish i have my face back where it belongs; on my head.
It just falls out (more bio-gel needed)
I wish for 100 20oz Bio-gel so I can fix Trobolta's face.
Granted you get them and they are hard as rocks.
I wish I had some of those Bio-gel to help you fix Trobolta's face.
But you have no idea on how to use them, and I patched up Trobolta's face.
I wish for a nuke
PS: @Iamnoone there's an RPG in the food fight thread that you can use.
Granted but it is exploding when you take it in your hands.
I wish you didn't patched up Trobolta's face.
Granted, we just slice it up some more.
i wish we i had bigger hill so more people could fight over it....
Granted, but now it costs you 300CE to get back up.
I wish i had a credit card full of legal money for me to buy stuff over the internet with.