A centipede crawls in your ear while you sleep.
I wonder if it will rain all summer.
A centipede crawls in your ear while you sleep.
I wonder if it will rain all summer.
I wonder what if the earth is also a Cradle-esque planet, and all that lava/magma are really a massive leakage from thermal pipelines.
I hand you a cookie trying to break you from your deep line of thinking.
I fill water balloons and throw them at children who are walking to school.
You get megaton kicked into a bottomless well.
I look down that well from a safe distance from the edge.
The ground caves in under you and you tumble into the well.
I call the rescue department for help but they are busy. They're in the middle of a busy intersection, stuck in traffic, doing a coin drop collection as a fund raiser.
The rescue department people strike it rich and quit their jobs.
I shout, "FUS RO DA!"
I add the letter H to the end of that sentence.
*cries* You turned me into the grammar police. *runs off and pouts*
The Wrong Grammar Crooks kidnap you.
I don't understand what Iamnoone meant by adding an H.
I say pointless chatter in the Gremlin Chatter forum.
gremlins no moar chat and gremlin chatter section gone to void
I über a spy
You woke up and realized it was just a wet dream.
I learned how to fly a plane.
You learned to fly it but crashed midway in the air.
*Looks up on Wikipedia*
You are put in jail for acquiring deadly weapons.
I shout "I AM NOT A GIRL!" because lately some people are saying I'm a girl. (BUT FOR PETE'S SAKE I AM NOT A GIRL. DX)
I shout back, "YES YOU ARE!"
I break down and buy the over priced CE on the market.
The price of CE goes up.
I shout "I HATE MEMES!"
I shout, "FU. I hate you too".
(I'll send u message about that one)
I sit in a corner and pout.
A creeper falls in your face and blows up.
I started up SK and am surprised to see your message. I reply and send you a royal core because everyone loves royal jelly.
I started up SK and am surprised to see your message. I sent a thank you and yes I love royal jelly too. I'll use that core to craft my royal jelly mail today. :)
I wonder if I'll craft the RJ mail before the crown reaches level 10.
You wonder for so long, that when you are 100 years old, you suddenly realize that you spent all that time wondering and you never got to get the mail or level up the crown.
I blow my nose.
A germ pops out and tap dances on the tissue.
I return from a long vacation.
You instantly wish you hadn't come back.
I grab a cat by it's tail and swing it around faster and faster then let it go launching it into the air.
The cat flied around the moon and back. Then it comes down on your face and scratches it off.
I play minecraft.
I corrupt your mind with adventure quest.
Wants to find a new game site that's like what runescape used to be.
You find a game called scape rune. It shuts down permanently an hour after you start playing.
I want to challenge Tsu.
Tsu beats you up with words.
I watch as Autofire hobbles off into the woods.
That is actually my robot you are watching.
I laugh as you think it was me who got beat up.
When you laugh at me, I get mad and really kick your butt.
I look at your beaten up face and body and feel bad.
But Autofire doesn't care! He breaks your neck.
I eat popcorn and watch the duel take place.
I lay on the ground writhing in pain and floundering like a fish.
My mouth still works.../grabs hold of Autofire's Achilles tendon with my teeth and bites through it taking him down to the ground.
Autofire screeches out in pain.
I get some cotton candy.
I grab Azytra and poison Iamnoone's gremlin blood utilizing its VH gremlin UV. He dies shortly.
A T3 gremlin mender walks up.
She walks up to you (yes a female gremlin) and says she likes your smell.
I resurrect Lamnoone as a tomato.
He is bottled as ketchup.
I pour Iamnoone all over my fries.
The hot oil in the fries burn me.
I scream but I'm not heard.
I sit down with my cake helm....
It turns into a creepcake and eats you.
I sit, wondering when my game will finish updating and I will be able to do the Danger Mission.
You fall asleep waiting, wake tomorrow morning and find it still hasn't loaded.
I wonder why some fish have eyes on their sides like gold fish and others have them in the front of their faces like the puffer fish.
you suddenly become a salmon.
I fish slap Art with Iam.
He says no and kills you.
I vote for lamnoone for noob of the year.
He gets the most votes becomes the noob mayor. He is so good that the whole game is only for noobs.
I create a flipping table game in the gremlin chatter.
Noob mayor declares the flipping table game a begging zone.
I run around Haven telling all the new noobs the treasure vault is full of treasures that will help them in missions and the arcade.
CE threads flood the Treasure Vault.
I cry in the corner of a room.
I see you sitting in the corner crying and come over. I sit beside you and say in a quite and questioning voice, "I'll torture them for you."
I build a fire.
You throw the noobs into the fire, one by one.
I watch you roast those sad, sad protos.
I push you in because you are also one of the "sad, sad protos".
I dump some nitro on the flames.
I pull out a bag of marshmallows and a few sticks. Want one?
I roast a marshmallow on the noob fire.
I join Iamnoone.
I become distracted because someone just gave me Mario Kart Wii.
I gave you it, and it was hacked and scrubbed into a card.
Then I stole the marshmallowsXD
I resume my nap.