No one likes to look at the math of the forge update.
The math shows that F2Pers have about the same deal as before the update, but P2Pers have a significant disadvantage.
There is a many sided problem due to the following:
1. OOO no longer slowly drains the energy market due to having free elevators.
2. P2Pers no longer have an equivalent to the elevator pass.
3. The overall cost of crafting items CANNOT be offset by waiting a couple days and utilizing mist.
4. Grindfests make equivalent knight progress as the occasional player who does a couple depths a day.
My solution is similar to Chrome-Zero's listed in post 2, but a bit more fully developed directed at all of the issues I have identified.
Rarity magnetism. (Rarity Magnetic Gatherer and Magnetic Generator)
Rarity Magnetic Gatherer:
- Doubles the chance of finding rarities in treasure boxes when active.
Holds "Magnetic" charges.
Uses the mist-charge/discharge rates.
- 13.2 minutes per free charge.
One depth of boosted rates costs 10 charges.
Total of 100 magnetic charges can be held at once.
Can be charged with guild Energy Well. (See charge station below.)
It is always considered "active" when a player has more than 10 charges. (Cannot turn on and off.)
Magnetic Generator Overdrive:
- Equivalent of elevator pass.
Holds Rarity Magnetic Gatherer at 100 charges for 30 days.
Doubles the effectiveness of the magnetic gatherer (total of 4x increased rarity drop rate).
Costs $6USD for a 30-day generator.
NOT purchasable via the supply depot.
Magnetic Boost Station:
- Recharges the Rarity Magnetic Gatherer at a rate of 1 Energy per 1 Charge.
Located ONLY in Haven and the Lab.
Guild hall energy well functions as a boost station.
Knight researchers have recently discovered the secrets of rarities for their use. The items we call rarities emit a very unique frequency of which can be found in greater concentrations by the use of special equipment. This new equipment, coined a Rarity Magnetic Gatherer, is now free to use among all knights.
If this is introduced as a feature, additional introductions should be added about this game mechanic in the 2.2 Mission (Alchemy for Beginners).
Motivation (from both sides of the equation):
1. Gives a compromise for the current radiant fire crystal situation.
2. Does not devalue current Energy uses any further.
3. Uses very similar mechanics to existing/past features of the game (low production/coding cost).
Tons of suggestions to increase drop rates. (Most trolling around when the famine started.)
Bolded are ones I like, but do not fully fix the problem.
Nostalgicreaverbot's Craft-down Orbs
Summary: Allow orbs to be crafted down to lower *'s.
Mawashimono's Craft-Up Fire Crystals
Summary: Allow fire crystals to be crafted up and down.
Malignant-Manor's Item Strength
Summary: Make lvl 1 5* items equivalent to their lvl 10 4*.
Pataponex's Heat Capsules
Summary: Storage of excess heat.
Stromling-Savior's Lower Crafting Cost
Summary: Energy prices remain the same, cost of crafting increased.
Skyguarder's Lower Radiant Cost
Summary: 300 energy per 100 radiant fire crystals.
Lucarionation's Lower forging cost
Summary: General energy suggestion, which includes lowering the cost for buying fire crystals from supply depot.
Dr-Charizard's Craft Up Crystals
Summary: Be able to craft 5* fire crystals.
Honeydieu's Vender Fire Crystals
Summary: Sell fire crystals to vendor or allow unbinding.
Danielflame's Selling of fire crystals
Summary: Allow the sale of excess fire crystals.
Chrome-Zero's Fire Crystal Drop Booster
Summary: Item that boosts fire crystal drop rates, locations, and a bunch of other things.
Jett-Black's Get Rid of Crystals
Summary: Revert back old heating style completely.
Redlawlsy's Heating on an elevator
Summary: "Forge" locations everywhere, specifically on elevators so one item can gain multiple levels on a single depth.
Imtn's Fire Crystal Change
Summary: Have tier specific fire crystals, instead of item star count.
Megawatt-King's Make the forge optional
Summary: Increase heat required to level an item, but make the use of fire crystals optional.
Doctorspacebar's Inert Fire Crystals
Summary: Lower cost fire crystals that require heat before use in the forge.
Skyguarder's Cheaper Radiants
Summary: Lower SD cost for radiants.
Zethalan's Increase Orb Drops
Summary: Increase orb drop rate.
Pwnswag's Forge Machine
Summary: Forge not tied to arsenal, instead a new station to forge (that appears on boss depths too!)
Klipik-Forum's Crystal Tanks
Summary: Tank that generates fire crystals with heat.
Paintool's Forge Pass
Summary: Forging pass to bypass/decrease cost of forging for a certain amount of time.
Edit: Will perpetually update as I find more threads in the suggestions subforum (other subforums ignored). Threads sorted by node #.